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This research has the objectives were to 1) compare the results of learning management using the 7 - step learning cycle on academic achievement in science subjects. For Grade 6 students at Santa Cruz Convant School. 2) to study the satisfaction of Grade 6 students at Santa Cruz ConVant School in learning management using the 7 - step learning cycle with mixed method research. The sample group used in the research were students at Santa Cruz Convant School. 29 students in Prathom 6/1 were obtained using a simple random sampling method. Using the classroom as the random unit. The tools used in the research include 1) learning plans, 2) tests, and 3) questionnaires. Statistics used in the research. Including mean (Mean), standard deviation (t - test for Dependen), the research results found that: 1) Academic achievement in science subjects of Grade 6 students at Santa Cruz Convant School using the 7 - steps learning cycle after learning was higher than before learning at a statistical significance of .05. 2) Satisfaction of Grade 6 students with learning by Use a 7 - step learning cycle, overall at the highest level. From such teaching, the important goal is to develop students so that they are complete in teaching and learning by developing students in accordance with the goals that we have established, which is the seven - step teaching and learning process. (Should be written the same using numbers) will cover the part of developing students in terms of knowledge, application of knowledge to innovation creation and knowledge management to have potential and be able to apply knowledge. to be used to expand and create a quality society.
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