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This research article the objectives were 1) to study the level of the perceived benefits, ease of use, compatibility, reference groups, trust, and the continuous usage behavior of artificial intelligence ChatGPT. 2) to study the co-influence the perceived benefits, ease of use, compatibility, reference groups and trust on the continuous usage behavior of artificial intelligence ChatGPT. This quantitative research utilizes an online questionnaire as a tool to collect data from users aged 18 and above, both male and female, totaling 400 people were selected by convenient random sampling and data analysis using descriptive statistical analysis, including frequency distribution, percentages, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis testing with inferential statistical analysis using multiple regression. The findings reveal that 1) the overall perception of benefits, ease of use, compatibility, reference groups, and trust towards the continuous usage behavior of ChatGPT AI technology is high, and 2) trust, compatibility, perceived benefits and perceived ease of use significantly influence the continuous usage behavior of ChatGPT AI technology at the statistical significance level of 0.05 , in descending order of influence (β) as follows: trust (β = .255), compatibility (β = .23), perceived benefits (β = .178) and perceived ease of use (β = . 132).
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