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This research The objective is to: 1) Study the competencies of school administrators according to the evaluation criteria of the Board of Teachers and Educational Personnel Surat Thani Chumphon Secondary Education Area Office 2) Study of success in school administration Surat Thani Chumphon Secondary Education Area Office 3) Study the competencies that affect the success of school management Surat Thani Chumphon Secondary Education Area Office 4) Study of competency development guidelines that affect the success of school management. Surat Thani Chumphon Secondary Education Area Office Using research methodology (Cross - Sectional Descriptive Study) Samples in this research Be a school administrator and teacher amount 348 Samples according to the grid of Krejsy and Morgan Research Instruments namely 5 - level estimation scale query Statistics used to analyze data include : Frequency value, percent, average, standard deviation, Analysis of Pearson's correlation coefficient and analyze the content The results of the research were as follows: 1) Executive competencies include: Core competencies as a whole are at a high level. and The overall performance of the line is at a high level. 2) The overall success in school management is at a high level. 3) Executive competencies affect the success of school management. There was a statistically significant positive correlation at the level of .01 where the correlation coefficient is equal to .158 There is a low correlation level in which executive competencies affect the success of school management. Affiliated with Surat Thani Chumphon Secondary Education Area Office It consists of analysis and synthesis. Communication and motivation and visionary impact on the success of school management. 4) Guidelines for executive competency development that affect the success of school management School administrators must have knowledge and understanding of management principles, be able to set vision, and have direction for organizational development. Set organizational development goals, support colleagues in their work. Create a driving force for schools to have a good management system and create a more efficient work process.
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