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Phrasupachat (Tummissaro) Samreewong
Phrapathomporn (Kittiwalo) Arunrak
Ratchadaporn Limpanantapong
Manasicha Malithong
Phrakru Bowonchaiwat .


This academic article on “Social Media Innovation to Propagate Puddhism” aims to study the concept of innovation theory of social media to propagate Buddhism with social media innovation and to propagate Buddhism among monks in today's society. It should be given.
The importance of rapid change is present because it is a modern society where there is freedom in receiving information. Studying Buddhism is easy and convenient for the general public. Because there is no need to travel to search for information in various places to find knowledge about Buddhism, just having a mobile phone or computer can search for information by yourself. Just like today's monks must adapt to the modern era because social media is not only useful for searching for information but can also be applied among monks. Through applications such as Line, Google Meet, or Zoom, and also showing Dhamma through Facebook and YouTube channels, we can disseminate to people around the world the teachings of the Buddha. If the use of these social media should be considered and considered to be restrained in the monks' precepts in order to be an example for the people. As for the propagation of Buddhism by monks, it is necessary to study the current social conditions. To develop principles, educational methods, and improve formats and skills in using technology in propagating Buddhism to keep up with social changes. The Buddhist Dhamma communication model must have connections regarding the elements of the communication process. Because the form will be complete or not depends on the messenger, message, channel, and receiver so that the Buddhist propagation of the monks will have more potential and efficiency and bring the principles of Buddhism to be used in creativity and can be applied further.

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How to Cite
Samreewong, P. (Tummissaro) ., Arunrak, P. (Kittiwalo) ., Limpanantapong, R. ., Malithong, M. ., & ., P. B. (2024). SOCIAL MEDIA INNOVATION TO PROPAGATE BUDDHISM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(1), 52–60. retrieved from
Academic Article


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