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The objectives of this research were: 1) To study the participatory management of bilateral vocational education management of colleges affiliated with Chaiyaphum Vocational Education, 2) To compare the participatory management of bilateral vocational education management of colleges affiliated with Chaiyaphum Vocational Education, and 3) To propose guidelines for the development of participatory management in bilateral vocational education management of colleges affiliated with Chaiyaphum Vocational Education. In a quantitative study, a sample of 331 school administrators, teachers, and educational personnel was surveyed with a confidence value of .987. A qualitative study of 10 people, including school administrators, teachers, educational personnel, parents, students, and workplace representatives, was conducted with in - depth interviews and group discussions of 5 people. Analyze content data Use triangular examination and descriptive presentations. The results of the research showed that 1) Participatory management in the bilateral education system of Chaiyaphum Vocational Education Colleges as a whole and in terms was at a high level, 2) A comparison of participatory management in the bilateral education system of Chaiyaphum Vocational Education Colleges found that there was a statistically significant difference in overall and individual aspects, and 3) A participatory management approach in the bilateral education system management of Chaiyaphum Vocational Education Colleges, 1) Prepared a bilateral vocational education implementation plan, 2) Established mutual agreements, 3) Managed management for mutual benefits, and 4) integrated management structure.
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