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The purpose of this article was to: 1) study the level of participation of local communities in the development of cultural attractions in Sai Noi floating market 2) Study of factors related to the participation of local communities in the development of Sai Noi floating market cultural attractions and 3) Study of problems, obstacles, and suggestions for promoting participation of local communities in the development of cultural attractions in Sai Noi Floating Market. It is an exploratory research. The sample group was people living in the community in Nonthaburi district. The research tools were questionnaires and analyzed the data using SPSS to find statistical conclusions. The study found 1) The level of participation of the local community in the development of tourist sites at a moderate level. ( = 1.04) in which the people in the community are involved in the maintenance of the environment in your home In order to create the scenery that is most consistent with the nearby tourist attractions (
= 1.60), followed by As for cooperation, suggesting in organizing activities for the conservation of tourist attractions in nearby communities of you (
= 1.19) and the aspect that the least people in the community participate in is the offering of opinions in conservation of tourist attractions near the community With the community committee members in the monthly meeting (
= .90) 2)the study of factors related to the participation of local communities in source development Cultural Tourism, Sai Noi Floating Market Nontha buri province found that age, education, knowledge level Understand cultural tourism issues And 3)obstacles in the development of tourist destinations are factors that Correlated with participation in the development of cultural tourist attractions From the above summary Not only traveling but also sharing the benefits from tourism businesses, especially terms of income used to conserve natural resources and the environment for the tourism business to develop sustainably.
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