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This academic article aims to study the use of multimedia and interactive educational technology to promote learning among learners with special hearing needs, using interactive multimedia as a tool to support their education and integration into society. Effective interactive multimedia should be designed for the general public to learn together, incorporating theoretical principles and appropriate teaching techniques such as a step - by - step learning process, designing behavior during learning, and adhering to the principles of the abilities of individual learners. These allow students to spend less time studying but gain more knowledge. When creating interactive multimedia for learners with special hearing needs, it is crucial for media producers to design the content structure and artistic elements in a way that effectively conveys meaning. This approach ensures that the media produced is convenient to use, easily accessible, and highly effective for teaching. Teaching learners with special hearing needs in Thailand currently involves two major systems: 1) a system that emphasizes speaking and listening methods, namely, teaching that focuses on speaking and teaching that emphasizes listening, and 2) bilingual teaching, which uses Thai Sign Language as the primary language and Thai as the secondary language. However, teachers have begun to use a special teaching method called bilingual teaching to facilitate the inclusion of learners with special hearing needs into a society of hearing people, allowing them to live together despite differences in language and sustainable creative culture.
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