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The objectives of this articles were, to study the conditions and approaches of vocational training promotion of community colleges in Thailand, to develop a vocational training promotion model of community colleges in Thailand, and to evaluate the vocational training promotion model of community colleges in Thailand. The research and development for this study were implemented using three steps including 1) conditions and approaches of vocational training promotion in 5 community colleges were studied, and 5 experts were interviewed. 2) A vocational training promotion model of community colleges was drafted. It was then explored through group discussion with 9 experts 3) The feasibility and usefulness of implementing vocational training promotion model of community colleges were evaluated using questionnaires distributed to 79 community college administrators. Besides, descriptive statistics applied in quantitative data analysis included mean and standard deviation. According to the study results, the conditions and approaches of vocational training promotion of community colleges consisted of 4 factors including input, process, expected outcomes, and conditions for successful promotion. The findings derived from the development of vocational training promotion model of community colleges indicated 6 main factors, 1) principles, 2) objectives, and 3) input (community college environment, organizational relationships, and community college conditions), 4) process (organizational leadership, strategy, clients, measurement, knowledge analysis and management, personnel, and operating system), 5) expected outcomes (learning, client expectation and engagement as well as environment and personnel commitment, and 6) conditions for successful promotion. The evaluation results revealed that this model had a high feasibility and the highest usefulness.
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