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The purposes of this academic article were to present important factors in education administration of the Local Administrative Organization to develop students based on individual differences. There are five issues: 1) Administrator: The administrator must have leadership, vision, and creativity, adhere to good governance and ability to collaborate with both internal and external organizations to develop students based on their individual differences. 2) Organization Supporting: The local government should provide schools with support financial resources, teachers, buildings and facilities, instructional materials, school equipment, technology and innovations, and learning resources for educational institutions and has a network of cooperation and able to mobilize resources suitable to students' development from all sectors. 3) Participatory Administration: The administrators of local government decentralize the administration of educational institutions. School committees, teachers, parents and communities participate in educational management. 4) Academic Administration: The school have action plans and guidelines for academic administration according to individual difference. School offers a variety of curricula that are designed to meet in line with the needs of the students. Set guidelines for learning management, focusing on learners. and organize a variety of student development activities The students were analyzed and the aptitude of the students was tested individually. Encourage and support learners to develop their abilities according to their aptitudes to their fullest potential. and gained direct experience in working in the workplace Teachers measure and evaluate a variety of real conditions. And 5) Teachers and Staff: The school had enough teachers and staff in key subject areas in schools. Teachers have knowledgeable and aware of individual differences and individual learning styles. They can organize and evaluate students according to individual differences. Also teachers can suggest guidelines for students to develop themselves according to their aptitudes and develop themselves according to their full potential.
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