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This academic article aims to management presentation local governance with digital social media from having changes in today's world that occur rapidly in terms of progress. information technology making each country unable to stay shut down alone, there must be cooperation and dependence on each other at the same time society nowadays, it is full of information, causing people to think, analyze, distinguish and making quick decisions in order to keep up with social events that are more complex filled with new innovations that have changed from the original. Organizations need to adapt in order to keep up with their competitors or outperform them. Therefore, it is necessary to use digital technology to enhance skills and attitudes to employees of each organization in order to grow with the organization be able to work efficiently. It is like a change in the form of work that is important in the development of technology to be used in the operation of local government organizations with the aim of benefiting in order to develop the use of digital media technology to benefit the organization and benefit people who are closest to local government organizations to open opportunities for the public to participate in the administration of the work and express their opinions through digital media channels It helps to increase the convenience of dissemination information to keep up with events can reduce human resources as well the use of quality programs instead of labor from employees reduces the cost of things such as budgets and documents It is also a way to create transparency, fast data validation is the creation of credible to the people in the management of local government as very well.
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