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Severe sepsis results in increased patient mortality, therefore is important public health problems in Thailand. Objectives of this descriptive research were to study the effect of sepsis guideline for patients with sepsis for shock, mortality and length of stay in hospital. The effect of using the guideline and the satisfaction of professional nurses on the use of the guideline in caring for patients with sepsis in Koh Samui Hospital. Research instruments as a guideline for managing sepsis patients, individual patient record forms, a survey of professional nurses in practice and their satisfaction with the implementation of the guideline. The content validity index was 1.0. Three -month period of the study research. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as number and percentage, and inferential statistics with the Chi -Square test. The results of the research revealed that, the mortality rate after implementing the guideline decreased from 42.0% to 18.1%. Professional nurses use the practice guidelines consistently and mainly to assess breathing and administration of antibiotics within 1 hour after diagnosis 98.7%, followed by consciousness assessment and recording urine output urine > 0.5ml/kg/hr. 97.3% and Blood cultures before administering antibiotics 96%. Professional nurses were satisfied with use the guideline, to take care of patients according to professional standards, there is a comprehensive content that can be used as a guideline for taking care of patients. And reduce the death of patients with sepsis.
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