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The objective of this research article were to study 1) Motivation for the work of school teachers in private schools 2) School commitment of private school teachers under the Ratchaburi Provincial Office of Education. And 3) Work Motivation Affecting Organizational Engagement of Private School Teachers under the Office of Education, Ratchaburi Province. This research design to quantitative research. The samples were 331 teachers in private school under the Ratchaburi Provincial Education Office, academic year 2021. Obtained by Stratified Random Sampling then use simple random sampling. The questionnaires was use to collect data The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The finding were 1) The work motivation of the sample was at a high level ( = 3.94). ranked from the highest to the lowest average as follows: performance success ( = 4.24), nature of work ( = 4.08), performed progress in Job duty recognition ( = 4.00) and responsibility ( = 3.85) 2) The organizational commitment of the sample Overall, it was at a high level ( = 4.18). ranked from the highest to the lowest average as follows: Willingness to devote effort to work for the organization had the highest average ( = 4.24), followed by the aspect of the strong desire to maintain membership of the organization ( = 4.18) and the belief and acceptance of the goals and values of the organization. have the lowest average ( = 4.13) 3) Work Motivation Affects Organizational Engagement of Private School Teachers The variables that affect 5 variables are work stability. working environment nature of work performed Earning Respect and Performance Achievements Able to jointly predict the organizational commitment of private school teachers at 74.3 percent with a statistical significance of 0.05.
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