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This research article aimed to: 1) the spiritual and ideological leadership of school administrators, 2) the schools’ effectiveness in the next normal, 3) study the relationship between the spiritual and ideological leadership of school administrators, and the schools’ effectiveness in the next normal, and 4) create a forecast for the spiritual and ideological leadership of school administrators affecting the schools’ effectiveness in the next normal under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakaeo. It is quantitative research. The sample group of this research was 260 teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakaeo in academic year 2022, and was determined by Krejcie and Morgan Table. The instrument for data collection was done by five rating scale questionnaires that had reliability 0.90. The statistics was used by Percentage, Average, Standard Deviation, Person Correlation Coefficient, and a Multiple Regression analysis. The results found that: 1) the spiritual and ideological leadership of school administrators is at the high level 2) the schools’ effectiveness in the next normal is at the high level 3) the spiritual and ideological leadership of school administrators has the positive relationship at moderate level with the schools’ effectiveness in the next normal with the statistical significance at the 0.01 and 0.05 level and 4) the spiritual and ideological leadership of school administrators affects the schools’ effectiveness in the next normal, and is able to forecast the schools’ effectiveness by 28.30 percent with the statistical significance at the 0.05. It was able to forecast equation in raw score form was = 2.155 + 0.138 (X2) + 0.367 (X3) , and the forecast equation in the standard score form was y = 0.157 (X2) + 0.433 (X3)
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