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The public services of local government. A Case Study of the district Phu Sing district of Si Sa Ket Karam Showcase aims to study 1) the public service of the Administration District Showcase Ram 2) To compare satisfaction the public service of the Administration District Showcase Ram By sex, age, education, occupation and monthly income and 3) to study the problems and suggestions about the public services of the district administration Showcase Ram. The sample consisted of residents in the district Showcase Ram village, which has a total of 10 samples of 367 people by a formula of Taro Yamana 0.05 level tolerances and to determine the proportion of the population. (Proportional to Size) data were collected using a questionnaire. Statistical tools Descriptive statistics were frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation. Statistical inference and the values (t-test) to test one-way ANOVA (One-Way ANOVA) if the difference. The pair will test the method of Scheffe were then processed by computer analysis. The study found that 1) Satisfaction with public services of the Tambon Administrative Showcase Ram by the three sides are moderate with an average of 2.83, considering each aspect of electricity is most average was 2.89 second. is on the road with an average of 2.86 and a minimum of water with an average of 2.75. 2) Test the hypothesis that people with different gender. The satisfaction of the public service is no different. But age, last Education, occupation and monthly income differences are satisfied with the public services. had different satisfaction with public service. Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
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