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The purposes of this study were to study the influence of leader’s sense of humor on the relationship between transformational leadership and innovative work behavior of the divisions within Thailand Post Company. This study was quantitative research. The populations of this study were all 104 divisions. The samples of this study covered 104 divisions. The cluster sampling technique had been conducted within the divisions of Thailand Post Company. The research instrument was 6 rating scale questionnaires. Collecting data after launching of questionnaires to 104 divisions. Each division had got 8 questionnaires for the individual respondents. The responding from 100 divisions consisted of 799 in level of individual respondents. The statistics were frequency, percentage, min, max, mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient. The hierarchical regression analysis was applied. The research results indicated that leader’s sense of humor had the significantly positive moderating effects on the relationship between transformational leadership and innovative work behavior. The division’s leaders of Thailand Post Company were prone to use sense of affiliate humor and self-enhancing humor. They were positive humor. Whereas aggressive humor that was negative humor. It was harm to other people. But it could promote the one who used itself. Aggressive humor had not the relationship with transformational leadership and innovative work behavior. It was also found that the use of self-defeat humor. It could be harm to the one who used itself. But it could promote the relationship with other people. It was not appropriate with the leaders who had transformational leadership.
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