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The objectives of the research were to study 1) the transformational leadership of school administrators under Local Government Organizations in Loei Province 2) the effectiveness of schools under Local Government Organizations in Loei Province, 3) the linear relation between the transformational leadership of school administrators and the effectiveness of the schools and 4) the transformational leadership of school administrators influencing the effectiveness of schools under Local Government Organizations in Loei Province. The sample group was a total of 206 teachers under Local Government Organizations in Loei Province. The research instrument used for data collection was forty-item five-level rating scale questionnaire with the entire reliability of 0.961. The multiple regression approach was used to analyze the quantitative data. The research findings were as follows: 1.The transformational leadership of school administrators was found to be overall and separately at a high level. The inspirational motivation (IM) was found to be at the highest level of mean scores ( =4.25); the individualized consideration (IC) was found to be at the lowest level ( =4.15). 2. The effectiveness of schools was found to be overall at a high level. The positive development of students was found to be at the highest level of mean scores ( =4.20); the development of students with higher achievement was found to be at the lowest level ( =4.12). 3.The transformational leadership of school administrators was found to be positively correlated to the school effectiveness at a statistically significant level of 0.01. 4. Three factors of transformational leadership: the idealized influence (II) or charisma, the inspirational motivation (IM), and the intellectual stimulation (IS) could predict the effectiveness of schools by 72.50%.
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