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Study of Public service according to the principles of good governance aims to study the study. public service according to good governance the principles of good governance include the rule of law, morality, and transparency. principles of participation Responsibility and value principles It is a principle for coexistence. in the country and society with peace Able to coordinate benefits and resolve conflicts peacefully, in which care in each area is similar and different. And the provision of public services provides opportunities for society and communities to participate in the provision of public services with the state that the state transfers to social enterprises to develop public services. It is typically related to an activity or service. prepared by the state to meet the needs of the people as a whole To develop services for the people in the area managed within the organization smoothly. The people who live in the locality receive good services resulting in a better living. Operations in accordance with the principles of good governance Improving operational potential to be ready to carry out missions. goals and objectives It is necessary to support the administration according to good governance This means that public service is well managed in every aspect. When good management It will be effective by people having a good quality of life. The study found that public service according to good governance to be efficient and effective stand firm on principles Fair, honest, transparent, verifiable public services that benefit the organization All working people benefit have developed yourself for the flourishing of his true life Able to manage activities or projects of the organization to achieve good results high efficiency
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