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Methaporn Dumaroon


The objectives of this research article were: 1) study the community context and management model of Ban Panwan 4 community enterprise, and 2) develop a strategy for management of Ban Panwan 4 community enterprise, Rab Ro Sub-district, Tha Sae District, Chumphon Province. The study mixed methods research includes 1) to study the operational conditions, community context and community enterprise management model using a questionnaire. Members of Ban Panwan Community Enterprise Group 4 total 30 people, 2) Study strategies using in-depth interviews. Key informants are: 1) Enterprise group consisting of a chairman, vice chairman and 5 directors, and 2) government agencies, consisting of Sub-district Administrative Organizations, Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion. District Community Development Office District Community Development Office and academics, 5 people, total 10 people, 3) Set strategies, use in-depth interviews by 5 community enterprise management experts, and 4) strategic assessment use the satisfaction assessment form The sample is Members of Ban Panwan Community Enterprise Group 4, total 10 people. All selecting a specific sample. Data were analyzed by statistical frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The research was found that: 1. operating conditions including basic resources, working system government, role competitiveness, performance. In the context of the community are interdependent and mainly engaged in agricultural occupations, including coffee, durian and trade. The management mode of community enterprises includes production planning, financial accounting and marketing. And 2. Develop a strategy for management of Ban Panwan 4 community enterprise includes 1) physical resource development, and 2) economic development, manage all dimensions of health, assessment results were appropriate, possible, value  = 4.53, average >3.51 or more that shown pass the criteria.

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How to Cite
Dumaroon, M. . (2023). MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE OF BAN PANWAN 4 RAB RO SUB-DISTRICT, THA SAE DISTRICT, CHUMPHON PROVINCE . Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 10(4), 311–324. retrieved from
Research Articles


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