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Kanokpong Muangsri
Wittayatorn Tokaew
Supaporn Sridee
Kamon Chaiyasit


Nutrition in the elderly has long been a matter of concern. The aging population experiences physiological changes and deterioration in the functions of various body systems, such as the digestive and absorption systems, the nervous system, and the decline of the musculoskeletal system, resulting in nutrient and nutritional needs that differ from those of other age groups. Digestion and oral health determine the texture of food that needs to be easily digested in the elderly. There must be an emphasis on the amount of nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. For example, Vitamin D and calcium are two nutrients that should be supplemented in the elderly. Comorbid conditions in elderly patients, like dysphagia, are occasionally possible. As a result, the texture of food must be modified for those who have swallowing difficulties. It is clear in the elderly has a different perspective than in other age groups. Therefore, dietary modification and special attention to nutrition are required. As a result, health and nutritional information must be communicated to the elderly and their caregivers on an individual and community level through a key opinion leader strategy facilitated by a group of medical professionals or community leaders. Social media is currently one of the platforms utilized to increase communication among the elderly. Strategies for content design, dissemination, and presentation via influencers should be in place, taking into account the elderly's problems, needs, and interests, so that the use of social media in communicating healthy nutrition is a useful tool for creating the transmission of knowledge and understanding of correct nutrition to both the elderly and their caregivers.

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How to Cite
Muangsri, K. ., Tokaew, W. ., Sridee, S. ., & Chaiyasit, K. . (2023). NUTRITION AND HEALTH COMMUNICATION IN THE ELDERLY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 10(4), 155–165. retrieved from
Academic Article


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