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The purposes of this study were: 1) to compare students’ spatial sense of seventh grade students at Srinakharinwirot University Prasarnmit Demonstration School (Secondary) before and after administrating activity based learning with augmented reality; 2) to compare students’ spatial sense of seventh grade students at Srinakharinwirot University Prasarnmit Demonstration School(Secondary) after administrating activity based learning with augmented reality with the criterion of seventy percent. The experimental method is Quasi-Experimental. Research by One Group Pretest–Posttest Design. The sample of this study included 36 of seventh grade students studying in the second semester of 2022 academic year at Srinakharinwirot University Prasarnmit Demonstration School (Secondary). They were selected by using the cluster random sampling technique. The duration of the research was 16 periods. The research instruments consisted of 1) lesson plans; and 2) spatial sense test. The data were statistically analyzed using mean, standard deviation, a t-test for dependent samples and a t-test for one sample. The findings of this study were as follows: 1) the spatial sense of seventh grade students after experiencing activity-based learning with augmented reality were higher than before experiencing the treatment statistically significant at a level of .05. 2) the activity-based learning with augmented reality of the students after experiencing creative activity-based learning with augmented reality were higher than the criterion of seventy percent statistically significant at a level of .05
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