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The objectives of this research article were to study and create guidelines for developing students' critical thinking skills in digital learning management. The scope of this research is research and development for create a digital learning management process to develop critical thinking skills of students in the Demonstration School of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Mathayom 3, Semester 1, Academic Year 2022. The tools used in this research are 1) Project-Based Learning Management Process 2) Analytical Thinking Skill Assessment Form 3) Evaluate the effectiveness of learning management activities using a project-based basis. The result shows that 1) From the collection of information on teaching and learning management guidelines of teachers in various subjects. It was found that a variety of activities were organized. Most of which are in the form of answering questions on the worksheet. There will be a problem that organizing this type of activity cannot develop skills for slow learners. Therefore, the development of analytical thinking skills only occurs with some children. 2) The effectiveness of the project-based learning management plan in the innovation project development learning unit based on computing concepts has fficiency (E1/E2) of 80.03/82.83. 3) The scores were compared between pre-test and posttest scores treated in a project-based form of learning to measure the outcomes of learning outcomes. This value shows that posttest score is higher than pre-test score. The mean value of posttest was 16.56, which was significantly higher than pre-test with 11.23 mean at .01. The results of evaluating the performance of students' critical thinking skills. By comparing the scores posttest higher than the pre-test. The mean score of the posttest was 15.96, which was significantly higher than the average score of the pre-test of 11.03 with a statistical significance of .01.
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