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Chutikarn Saiutsa


This article of this study were: 1) Know the concept of legal measures to heal victims who are victims of crime. 2) Legal measures of foreign countries and Thailand. in reparing victims who are victims of crime. And research recommendations It is a qualitative research method from the study of documents, legal texts. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Implementation of human rights concepts in Thailand which is relatively new concept of justice It is a source of criminal prosecution. and the Reconsideration of Criminal Cases Act, 1983. 2) 2) Thailand's legal measures in reparing victims of crime to correct the mistakes of the justice process in Thailand. revival of criminal cases for reconsideration It is a measure used to remedy the mistake. In addition, the concept of compensation was created as a remedy for the injured. or victim of crime According to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560. And the Compensation for Victims and Compensation and Expenses to Defendants in Criminal Cases B.E. 2544 Amendment (No. 2) B.E. Compared to Japanese law, it is monetary and other non-monetary remedies,by enacting a law on the payment of compensation to victims of crime, by paying compensation to the family of the victim in the event of death or pay damages to injured victims and if the victim's actions do not violate their fundamental rights and the dignity of the accused Victims can play every appropriate role at every stage of the justice process. And 3) research Suggestions The law of Japan should be used as a model for remedial victims who are victims of crime.

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How to Cite
Saiutsa, C. . (2023). REMEDIAL MEASURES FOR VICTIMS OF CRIMINAL OFFENSES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 10(2), 357–370. retrieved from
Research Articles


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