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Nowadays, the line between news programs and entertainment programs and viewing style of audiences focuses on entertainment, news storytelling programs also creates entertainment or emotion news for mainly audience. This can be seen from selection of news presented in the current news program that often selects the most emotional news no matter what kind of news. This phenomenon in which truth and facts lose their meaning spreads to scientific truth, for example in the case of the COVID-19 epidemic and the rejection of environmental scientists on global warming, etc. Being challenged and losing the meaning of scientific truth, which has been the most powerful paradigm in shaping knowledge and social truth in the last two centuries. The past is a clear sign of the coming of the world in full post-truth era. When every information, even facts that can be proven scientifically, becomes just information. What messages can be communicated that best suit emotions and beliefs of the recipients that message will become the reality of receiver. The results of the literature reviews analyze process of News Talk Television Programs in Post-truth era and oversight of government as a guideline for analyzing the work of other media. According to phenomenon of loss of meaning of truth, an important factor is the emergence of social media that can overcome traditional communication barriers and provide new communication channels for those who have never had space for expression their own attitude before. This article presents an analysis of media performance in television news storytelling in post-truth era as a guideline for analyzing the work of other media channels in the post-truth era.
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