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Personnel management is a very important function in an organization. Because people are the whole of complexity, executives must use science as knowledge. And art is skill or art in relation to people in various fields. Therefore, "executives" who must take care of the suffering and happiness of personnel in the organization must have Brahmavihara 4, which are 1) Metta is the desire for others to be happy. Executives should be kind to everyone and encourage people to be happy. 2) Karuna, the desire for others to be free from suffering. When subordinates face difficulties, executives should provide encouragement, help and inspiration. 3) Mudita, the joy when others do well. When subordinates succeed in their work the boss should give sincere congratulations. 4) Upekkha: Good intentions have limits and are based on justice. It can be seen that these Brahmavihara 4 principles cover every situation that may occur and can be applied to practically everything in life. It's not just about work and not limited to the person who is the boss but people who are subordinates can use this principle in their lives as well if both parties live together with good wishes to each other. Executives, in addition to having knowledge, competence and skills in management still have to be a virtuous person in mind and have ethical beliefs. It is an important feature that will enhance the executives to be able to manage the organization effectively according to dominance which is the principle that makes the follower to be noble. This results in everyone in society being able to live together happily.
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