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Arom Romyen


This research article aims to study the situation and the problem caregiver needs and caregiver potential to study and compare the participation of elderly care networks. The ability to do the daily routine of the elderly and the analysis of factors predicting the overall quality of life of the elderly. This developmental research between October 2021 - September 2022. The sample group was divided into 3 groups: a caregiver group of 226 people and a network group of 270 people, and 226 elderly people. The tools used as a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and multiple linear regression Results of study found that the caregiver needs were as practical knowledge to local government organizations set up a fund to help the elderly. The potential of caregivers after developing high-level work roles was significantly higher than before development (p<0.001)., high mean difference (MD)= 4.05, higher quality of care for the elderly than before high-level MD= 31.31 The network was more involved than before the high level of development MD=3.36. The overall quality of life of the elderly in terms of the Barthel index of activities of daily living to increased significantly MD=70.195 with statistical significance (P<0.001). Factors influencing the overall quality of life of the elderly statistically significant at the level of less than 0.05 37.2% (R2Adj.=0.372, p<0.001). There were 8 out of 11 factors, that influence descending order: grooming (R2Adj. = 0.183), transfer (R2Adj. = 0.154), bathing (R2Adj. = 0.117), stairs (R2Adj. = 0.117), bladder (R2Adj.=0.069), bowels (R2Adj. = 0.051), feeding (R2Adj. = 0.014), dressing (R2Adj. = 0.013). Conclusion: The results of this study show that the developing caregivers' potential for a better quality of life for the elderly Chumphon Province could makes caregivers had a high level of the potential and the network participates in caring for the elderly, thus increasing the quality of life of the elderly.

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How to Cite
Romyen, A. . (2023). EFFECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CAREGIVER POTENTIAL FOR THE GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE OF ELDERLY, CHUMPHON PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 10(1), 307–320. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/268219
Research Articles


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