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The objectives of this research article were to: 1) find positive experiences in work and to develop work capabilities. 2) Find ways to increase happiness at work for employees. This study is action research using Appreciative Inquiry as a tool, which is 5D including define, discovery, design, dream, and destiny. The study was conducted with an interview of 7 staffs in the company by asking open-ended questions to allow staffs respond to questions freely, lead to find out positive experience or work impression. Then analyze the resulting data to find convergences and divergences with the theory of happiness (PERMA Model) to design the project to increases. The results of the research were as follows: The results of the research showed that positive experiences in terms of impressions that make employees happy at work Convergences factors include having good co-workers, have the freedom to work, be a part of making customers' health better, good after-sales service, increased sales have shown his own potential. Factors that divergences include being careful, detailed, learning quickly, learning new tasks, helping customers solve usage problems, like to develop yourself have sales skills. The result of this study will be the concept to create 4 projects about happiness in workplace in Juicer Shop Company for staffs: 1) Increasing Happiness and Fun Project 2) Let’s Enhance Skills Project 3) Stand Up Meeting Project 4) Let’s Share Together Project. The outcome from all projects will facilitate staff’s happiness in the workplace, reduce errors in work, improve productivity, and develop good relationship between staff which make environment at workplace is more relax.
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