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Kasama Pathai


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the problems and obstacles of public and private collaboration in human capital development for heart disease. 2) to study the public and private collaboration in human capital development for heart disease and 3) to study the approach of public and private collaboration in human capital development for heart disease of Safe Heart Center, Medical Groups. This research was qualitative. The study was conducted from key informants, such as the director’s group, head of department and personnel of 4 Safe Heart Centers, Medical Groups, namely Safe Heart Center, Headquarters, Safe Heart Center, Samut Sakhon Hospital, Safe Heart Center, Nakhon Tha Chalom Hospital, and Cardiovascular Center, Bang Phli Hospital, the Purposive sampling 20 people. The data collection instrument was the structured interview form. The data analyzed by conclusive and description. The results found that: 1) the problems and obstacles of public and private collaboration in human capital development for heart disease of Safe Heart Center, Medical Groups, including the lack of clear policy formulation, support about training, executives did not see the importance and lack of good coordination. 2) the public and private collaboration in human capital development found that there were 6 aspects, namely, manpower planning, performance goals, recruitment, self-development, moral and ethics, monitoring and evaluation. 3) the approach of public and private collaboration in human capital development for heart disease found that: the government sector must encourage personnel to have skills and abilities by helping to support training, both in terms of experts, courses, technology and training places, etc., accompany with the production of Medical Professionals and invested in developing and linking health information technology system to be modern.

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How to Cite
Pathai, K. . (2023). QUALITY OF WORKING LIFE THAT AFFECTS THE COMPETENCY OF THE PERSONNEL OF THE SUB DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION IN SARABURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 10(1), 28–45. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/268192
Research Articles


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