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The objectives of this research article were to study the diversity of food crops in the community area of the Boonruang sub-district, Chiang Khong District, Chiang Rai and analyze opportunities for utilizing local community food crops to strengthen the health of the elderly. It is qualitative research by surveying the types of food crops in the elderly households of the population in Boonruang sub-district, Chiang Khong District, Chiang Rai in the amount of 2,512 households by purposive sampling of 345 households. as well as to study the nutritional value of each food crops to propose guidelines for the utilization of food crops to strengthen the health of the elderly in local communities. The results showed that: 1) the diversity of food crops in the community area of the Boonruang sub-district; elderly people preferred popular to grow local herbs and vegetables in the household. There were 141 types of food crops, covering 77 types of food crops, 34 types of herbs and spices, and 30 types of fruit. Among these, many food crops were highly nutritious and were the main ingredient in northern traditional recipes that the elderly could cook and consume in their daily lives. Apart from enhancing the immune system, reduce inflammation and help inhibit the division of the coronavirus 2019, such as ginger, garlic, fingerroot, turmeric, lemongrass, blue glass, onion, etc. and 2) opportunities for utilizing local community food crops to encouraging the elderly to bring local food crops to cook food such as Khanom Jeen and Krachai Sauce. Ban Phak Wan, Moringa Curry, Stir-Fried Chicken with Ginger, Galangal Paste, etc., was the way to help strengthen the health and food sustainability of the elderly in the local community.
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