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The Objectives of this research article were to 1) to study the level of people's satisfaction towards the public service of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization in the academic year of 2021, 2) to study the relationship between personal factors and public services of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization in the academic year of 2021, and 3) to study the recommendations for the management of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization in the academic year of 2021. The population were 761,781 people who were 18 years and over in Maha Sarakham Province. The sample group consisted of 400 people. The research instruments were the questionnaires. The statistics used were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results shown that people’s satisfaction towards Public Service of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization in the academic year of of the 4 projects was at the highest level or 94.20%. If classifying as job, it was found that they all were at the highest level; helping victims, tax management, Maha Sarakham Learning Park, and accident and emergency. The analysis of the relationship between personal factors and public services of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization in the academic year of 2021 was totally low at .449. There were some suggestions for the services of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization; there should have staff to serve people’ understanding, government vehicles and drivers.
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