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Potisut Viwatchaikij
Watchara Yeesoontes


The object of this study 1. to study digital marketing communication effectively with purchasing of Spa Packages set through online channel’s platform. 2. to study the factor of decision-making of purchasing Spa Packages set through the online channel’s platform. 3. to compare the decision-making to purchase Spa Packages set through the online channels with personal data. 4. to study the relationship between digital marketing communications with decision-making to purchase the Spa Packages set through the online channel’s platform. In this study 324 people were selected by using the calculation method from W.G. Cochran's theory (population unknown) 95% confidence level, accepting the error at (e) .05. Most of the respondent samples were female, aged between 21 - 30 years old. Occupations company employee. Average monthly income between 15,001 - 25,000 THB per month. the frequency of consuming Spa Packages set about once time per month and shopping for Spa Packages set buy through formal digital trade platforms such as Shopee, JD, Lazada, Amazon, Alibaba, etc. In this study, five content marketing topic has been selected to be used for evaluation: Creating reliable content (T-R-U-S-T-E-D Content), Creating contacts that responded to consumer mind (Earning Readership with Content Mastery). Reference by an influencer (Enchanting Influencers through O-U-T-R-E-A-C-H). Share content from a feeling of staff or PR (Evangelizing with Employee A-D-V-O-C-A-T-E-S) and the content that share through the communities (Engaging Fan Communities through C-O-N-V-E-R-S-A-T-I-O-N). The results of the study showed 3 out of 5 topics in content marketing studies affect the decision to buy spa packages online. An analysis of the correlation between content marketing and decision-making found that there was a high correlation in the same direction. By comparing purchasing decision-making with personal data, found that gender, age, monthly income, and consumption frequency show an effect on decision-making. Only online channel platform buying shows no effect on decision-making.

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How to Cite
Viwatchaikij, P., & Yeesoontes, . W. . (2022). THE DIGITAL MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN PURCHASING SPA PACKAGES SET THROUGH THE ONLINE CHANNELS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(12), 107–119. retrieved from
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