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The objectives of this research article were to: 1) study current situations of work performance of general accounting firms and certified accounting practice in Thailand; 2) study factors affecting development of competencies of gerneral accounting firms for being certified accounting practice in Thailand; 3) create a model developing competencies of general accounting firms to be a certified accounting practice in Thailand. This study was qualitative research using Delphi technique reached consensus by 17 experts. Instruments used were interview questions used at the first round; and questionnaire which index of objective congruence of questionnaire was checked by 3 experts at the second and third round. Statistics used were percentage, mean, median, mode, ranking, and interquartile range. The data analysis considered from three all conditions: 1) the consistency of results was upper high level, 2) the difference between interquartile range was lower than 1.50, and 3) the difference between median and mode was lower than 1. Consequently, the consistent data will be used for creating the model to and the model will be certified by one expert. The data revealed that: 1) the model developing competencies of general accounting firms and certified accounting practice were not different since the enforcement of Financial Reporting Standard of Federation of Accounting Professions and Department of Business Development; however, operation and methods of working were different; 2) factors affecting the competency of Thai accounting firms for being certified accounting practice consist of internal factors (adaptability, models of operation, strategic management efficiency, marketing focus, service quality, efficiency of technology and accounting information system, and environment in workplace); and external factors (technology & innovation, financial reporting standards, laws and taxation, competitive conditions, customer needs); the model for developing competencies of general accounting firms for being certified accounting practice comprised internal and external factors, competitive advantage, and digital and good governance accounting firms.
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