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The objectives of this research article were to study the context. The need for disseminating local wisdom of Banglamphu community and produce communication for local wisdom cases with the participation of Banglamphu community youth leaders with participative action research, this was a participatory action research with a group of community leaders consisting of 2 people, 3 youth leaders in each community, total 21 people. The process consisted of step 1, planning, step 2, action, step 3, observation of results. and step 4 reflecting. The results showed that the four-step participatory communication process consists of Step 1: Engaging Find local people to participate in media production through community storytelling camps. Guided walk as a guide representative of 7 communities in Banglamph. Step 2: Participatory communication Process in Media Production Banglamphu youth develop skills in speech, expression, writing, thinking, and creativity through a collaborative learning process. Step 3 Assessment of media with the villagers in the community. Step 4: Banglamphu Club has a medium to disseminate community wisdom from their own operations. In addition, this practical participatory research process. Banglamphu Community Youth Leadership Group has participated in media production to disseminate the wisdom of the community, namely, joining the research team, collecting data, participating in samples, jointly reviewing data, monitoring and evaluating results, and jointly receiving benefits that contribute to the development of skills and communication potential in various forms of team collaboration that can be applied to community development operations in the future. In addition, Banglamphu community has received media pieces of local wisdom with the participation of Banglamphu community youth leaders that can be used in dissemination through social media channels in various forms.
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