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The objective of this article were to: 1) study the investigate the principles of management of savings cooperatives by the government organized, and 2) study the factors in strengthening the community economy by government organizations influencing the management of savings cooperatives in the western provinces. This was qualitative research that studies data from documents, focus group and non-participatory observation, tool method use are in-depth interviews. The key informants representing people who are directly related to savings cooperatives in the western provinces such as Ratchaburi and Phetchaburi province consisted 1) chairman and board of savings cooperatives, 2) managers and operations officers, and 3) members of savings cooperatives total of 20 persons. By selected purposive sampling, content analysis data, and summarized overall. The research was found that: 1. investigate the principles of management of savings cooperatives by the government organized there are 4 principles include 1) planning, analyzing resources to lead to operational plans, 2) organization is the organization of personnel and resources used in the work to achieve the purpose of work, 3) leading is a way to work together by stimulating the enthusiasm in the operation to achieve the goals of the organization, and 4) control is a process to control the operation by monitoring the performance to improve the performance to be effective. By applying PDCA principles to make the operation more efficient and successful. And 2. Factors for strengthening the community economy: 2.1) Excellent services provided to cooperative members 2.2) Welfare and financial solutions for members 2.3) Reasonable interest rates. and other benefits that members receive; and 2.4) members participate in various activities of the cooperative.
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