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Thanarat Thanakijcharoensuk
Yongyuth Srisangoon


The proposes of this research were 1) to study the needs of the elderly towards guidelines for promoting good quality of life for the aging 2) to develop augmented reality infographics that promote the quality of life of the aging and 3) to study the satisfaction of the aging with the augmented reality infographic promoting the quality of life of the aging. The population was 3,879 elderly age 60 years and over in Thanyaburi District Pathum Thani Province consists of 6 sub-districts: Bueng Yitho, Rangsit, Lam Phak Kut, Bueng Sanan, Bueng Nam Rak, and Prachathipat. The sample group was 360 aging (Krejcie & Morgan table) were chosen by purposive selection. Research tools were composed of augmented reality infographic to enhance life quality of aging, media and content evaluation form, need of aging interview form and satisfaction questionnaire. The analysis of the data was to find mean and standard deviation. The results of the research were as follows: 1. Needs of the aging towards guidelines for promoting good quality of life for the aging were good healthy, strength of body, social relationship, good environment, respectively. 2. An augmented reality infographic that promotes the wellbeing of the aging. was at a good level of content quality and excellent level of media quality (mean = 4.11, 4.21 respectively) 3. The satisfaction of the elderly with the augmented reality infographic that promotes the quality of life of the elderly was at a high level.         

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How to Cite
Thanakijcharoensuk, T. ., & Srisangoon, . Y. . (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF AUGMENTED REALITY INFOGRAPHIC TO ENHANCE LIFE QUALITY OF AGING. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(9), 91–105. retrieved from
Research Articles


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