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Orachon Sitthisorn
Prasert Ruannakarn


The purpose of this research article was 1) to develop character indicators of elementary mathematics teacher 2) to survey the sub-indicators of elementary mathematics teacher 3) confirmatory factor analysis of the character indicators of elementary mathematics teacher. The research is quantitative research. The samples used in this study of 1,200 elementary Mathematic Studies Teacher in Lower Northeast Region of academic year 2017. Used in the Exploratory Factor Analysis: EFA 600 people and Used in the Confirmatory Factor Analysis: CFA 600 people random by Multistage Random Sampling. The research instruments were: 1) a structured interview form 2) the questionnaire rating scale, 60 variables. For data analysis by basic statistical analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using a computer program. The findings the development of indicators were all 6 components of 60 indicators, Academic, Curriculum, Teaching, Measurement and evaluation, Human relation and Attitude. The findings sub-indicator survey development indicator features elementary mathematics teacher composed of 4 in the 52 indicators aspects of Knowledge and Understanding for teaching, Process and curriculum development, Morals and ethics to student and others and Human relation. The second confirmatory factor analysis check the consistency by the hypothetical model based on empirical data, the statistics value showed χ2=1582.099, df=970, P-Value=0.0625, GFI=0.950, AGFI=0.923, CFI = 0.942, SRMR = 0.054, RMSEA= 0.045

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How to Cite
Sitthisorn, O. ., & Ruannakarn, P. . (2022). DEVELOPMENT INDICATOR FEATURES ELEMENTARY MATHEMATIC TEACHER. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(9), 43–56. retrieved from
Research Articles


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