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Phrakrusangkharak Thawee Abhayo
Kittiyaporn Kamkhai
Chennapa Hanngon
Pavinee Wongkanha


This academic paper is written by the authors to present a guide to the study of COVID-19 with depression in the elderly. The objectives of the study were as follows: to review the knowledge of the situation of COVID-19 affecting the mental health of the elderly with depression and to assess depression in the elderly and find ways to help the elderly with depression. The current facing epidemic of COVID-19 which affected the economic and social system, causing damage to businesses and breaking business. Many companies have adjusted plans to cut people, cut salaries, and some places even go out of business to support themselves and to survive. Increasing unemployment is a change that can happen to all workers. When people lose their job, what follows is stress, anxiety, and fear of not being able to find a new job. The people were afraid that if they lose their job for too long, their money won't be enough, and other fears that will follow. From the situations mentioned above, they affect the elderly in terms of mind when their children lose their jobs or the pillar of the family has no work. Many older people believe they are a burden on their families. Therefore, it is the cause of depression that can adversely affect life and lead to suicide easily. Therefore, it is one of the reasons that depression in the elderly needs to be seriously reviewed for the process of improving the quality of life of the elderly. Because the elderly is socially fragile. This will require special care from family members in their lives as well as the social well-being of the elderly.

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How to Cite
Abhayo, P. T. ., Kamkhai, K. ., Hanngon, C. ., & Wongkanha, P. . (2022). COVID-19 AND DEPRESSION IN THE ELDERLY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(9), 1–14. retrieved from
Academic Article


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