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The objectives of this research article were to: 1) study level of transformation leadership of municipality administrators affecting effectiveness of Subdistrict municipality in Muang district, Nakhonratchasima province , 2) study transformation leadership of municipality administrators affecting effectiveness of Subdistrict municipality in Muang district, Nakhonratchasima province and 3) propose guideline to increase effectiveness result of Subdistrict municipality in in Nakhonratchasima province to be more effective and efficient. The research methodology was mixed method. The sample consisted of 400 people who had election vote and had house registration in subdistrict municipality in Muang district, Nakhonratchasima province by simple sampling and a group of key informants of 15 people selected by the lottery, 5 people and 10 people selected by specific. The research instruments were questionnaire and depth interview. The statistic used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, One-way ANOVA, Multiple regression analysis and correlation analysis. The study results revealed that 1) transformation leadership of municipality administrators affecting effectiveness of Subdistrict municipality in Muang district, in Nakhonratchasima province as a whole was at much level. In order from the highest to the lowest average, there were Heroic Leadership, followed by Intellectual leadership aspect, Reform leadership aspect and Revolutionary leadership aspect respectively. 2) Leadership with transformation leadership characteristics of municipality administrators in Nakhonratchasima province in Reform leadership aspect, Revolutionary leadership, Heroic leadership and vision creative aspect affecting effectiveness of Subdistrict municipality in Muang district, in Nakhonratchasima province with statistically significant level of .05. 3) Transformation leadership should have a broad vision, therefore reinforcing transformational leadership should be part of management training level and increase the potential of leaders to lead the organization to success in every situation.
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