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This research article aims to study the causes and operational factors of the government sector affecting the political movements of the student leaders and to study the patterns and strategies of the student leaders' political movements. student affecting political changes economic and social development and the efficient performance of duties of the state using a qualitative research model The sample consisted of 35 students who had participated in political movements by choosing a specific method. The research method was the study and analysis of documentary data together with the literature review and concepts related to social movements. and political participation To create a line of data collection questions using in-depth interviews. The data was analyzed for the content of the data. The results showed that All student leaders voluntarily and gave importance to political movements. This is considered an illegal activity. But acts in excess may be subject to legal penalties. Political movements use the internet and social media. accessible convenient and fast The reasons and factors that caused many people to come out in political movements resulted from the deprivation of the state's powers, rights and liberties. high cost of living problem The operation of the government that is not transparent is ineffective and solves the problem that is not on the point. causing doubts in many areas until there is no confidence The expected outcome of the political movement is the need for social change and national development. If the government has adopted the new government management concept, it will improve its efficiency.
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