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The purpose of this article was to: 1) study community context and potential of sustainable community self-sufficiency management at BanBangSan community PhaNom sub-district, PhaNom district, Suratthani province, and 2) find strategy about community context and potential of sustainable community self-reliance management at BanBangSan community PhaNom sub-district, PhaNom district, Suratthani province. The study was qualitative research by analyzing data from the document, in-depth interview tool and focus group discussion by choosing a specific sample. There were 3 groups of key informants such as 1) the leader group that were including with community leaders, village committees and group leader 2) the people consisted of the people of BanBangSan and community sage, and 3) the relevant agencies consist of the PhaNom subdistrict administrative organization and network of 15 people. By content analysis and summary. The research was found that: 1) there were 5 aspects of community context such as history, community settlement, physical condition, economic ,social and cultural, political and administrative, resources and wisdom with the potential for sustainable self-sufficiency community management, including community leaders community economy, resources, participation, social and culture and coordination. Ban Bang San are sustainable self-sufficiency community management such as technology, economic, natural resources and environment, mental, social and cultural aspects. And 2) there were 5 strategies for sustainable self-reliance community management such as 1) promoted the community economy according to the sufficiency economy philosophy, 2) created network of self-sufficiency for the family in community and between communities, 3) sustainable management of natural resources and environment, 4) promoted life stability, career and income to improve people's quality of life, and 5) Continuously strengthen and develop human resource potential.
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