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Montree Boonsorn
Thatchai Jittanan


This artistudy aimed 1) to study the current state, the desirable state, and the modified priority needs state of learning management strategies of teachers in the 21st century and 2) to study the guideline for the development of learning management strategies for teachers in the 21st century , Mahasarakham Primary Education Service Area Office 2. Research and development type. There were two phases in the study. The first phase was studying of the current state, the desirable state, and the modified priority needs state of learning management strategies of teachers in the 21st century Mahasarakham Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The sample were 312 teachers. The research instrument was the questionnaires. the researcher made permission letter and collect data with samples. The second phase was the studying the guideline for the development of learning management strategies for teachers in the 21st century , Mahasarakham Primary Education Service Area Office 2. In this phase, were focus group discussion. The results are as follow: 1) to study the current state of learning management strategies of teachers in the 21st century Mahasarakham Primary Education Service Area Office 2. was high level in overall and the modified priority needs state of learning management strategies of teachers in the 21st century was high level in overall. and 2) to study the guideline for the development of learning management strategies for teachers in the 21st century , Mahasarakham Primary Education Service Area Office 2 which including 7 elements and 21 guidelines. The results of the guideline development were suitability at a very high level and the possibility was at the high level.

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How to Cite
Boonsorn , M. ., & Jittanan, T. . (2022). THE 21st CENTURY LEARNING MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES OF TEACHERS, MAHASARAKHAM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(6), 250–263. retrieved from
Research Articles


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