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Daoduean Inteacha
Pimpisa chanmanee
Phudis Lengpang


This article aims to study the factors of marketing mix that affect the tourism behavior of tourists who travel to travel in Lampang Province. Which this research is a quantitative and tools used as questionnaires and the collected data were processed using statistical values, percentages, mean Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of the study found that tourist behavior of tourists who traveled to travel in Lampang Province overall were at a moderate level ( = 3.45). When analyzing it was found that the item with the highest average was the most use method of contacting for reservations for traveling online or through social networks (=4.67) followed by the nature of traveling by private car ( = 4.46) with the purpose of traveling to come to rest avoid the monotony in life visiting relatives/friends or travel during festivals ( = 4.45) The time for traveling is holidays, vacations, holidays ( = 4.44) that you travel with your girlfriends and friends ( = 4.12). Comments on marketing mix factors Overall, it was at a high level ( = 4.28). When analyzing each aspect, it was found that the factor with the highest average was the product and service aspect ( = 4.38) followed by price ( = 4.29), distribution channel (=4.26) and marketing promotion ( = 4.17). Correlation coefficient of marketing mix factors affecting tourism behavior of tourists Affects the tourism behavior of tourists in all aspects. Influence of marketing mix factors on tourism behavior of tourists Products and services, prices, distribution channels marketing promotion significantly at the 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
Inteacha, D. ., chanmanee, P. ., & Lengpang, P. . (2022). MARKETING MIX FACTORS AFFECTING TOURISM BEHAVIOR OF TOURISTS TRAVEL TO TRAVEL IN LAMPANG PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(6), 173–187. retrieved from
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