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Suwit Faisong
Lampong Klomku


An organization is a group of people who come together to carry out an activity for the fulfillment of the objectives and set forth in the association that must be an organized contact, the division of labor and the coordination of individual interests as well. Creating happiness in the organization is therefore an important part in managing well-being of working happily. because individuals have different feelings and ideas, there is a need for principles of coordination within the organization. To create understanding and cooperation between person and person person to organization by relying on the principles of Dharma that must be driven together in all 4 areas. 1) Self-management according to the Sappurisadhamma VII, which is the principle that creates sustainability, non-intrusion, peaceful coexistence, has mercy on each other and knowledgeable about the world. 2) Personnel management according to the Brahmavihara IV, these are the noble Dharmas of the mind. Dharma that must be held as a principle and directing behavior and treating oneself to others. 3) Administration according to the Iddhipãda IV, which is the Dharma principle in work management to lead to success or morality to success in work and help the organization to succeed as intended. 4) Relationship management according to the Sangkhahavatthu IV, which is the principle that promotes helping, generosity, or helping each other in order to create unity and goodwill with each other, the four principles of dharma are the anchors and practices that form the organization's culture. unity Build quality of life for yourself, your family, and the society around you and have a love and responsibility towards the organization for working happily and creating sustainable happiness in the organization

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How to Cite
Faisong, S. ., & Klomku, L. . (2022). DHARMA PRINCIPLES FOR CREATING AN ORGANIZATION OF HAPPINESS AT WORK. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(6), 131–143. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/262054
Academic Article


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