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Vassiga Rumakhom
Theechaghan Phatcharrachiraphan


In the Post-Covid period, a dramatic shift in pattern of human daily life has been apparently seen in form of the New normal. Human well-being, life balance and self protection against the pandemic have acquired its priority. Technology has been adopted as a medium in stead of face-to-face communication. As for Education, it has appeared that students' learning opportunity has been deprived as school has become one of the venues of the pandemic. This article proposes guidelines for educational administration in the Post-Covid period based on educational administration conceptual frameworks. This encompasses curriculum design and learning management including knowledge about health, utilisation of technology and information, creation of new innovation and also engages stages of learning triggering learner's quest for learning goal, learning methods and channels, learning enthusiasm, learning management assessment and learner's potential development for prospective learning. Moreover, educational administration in the Post-Covid period should prioritise teacher's potential development. This includes the enhancement of teacher's role as learning moderator, teacher's knowledge, teacher's teaching skill triggering learner's analytical skill and creation of new innovation and teacher's English language proficiency and digital literacy. Stakeholders engagement, in other words, relationship nurturing and retaining should be also taken into account. This engages the prioritisation of physical and mental health of teachers, school staffs and relationship building with parents and local communities. School environment management should also be addressed. This encompasses policy initiative, policy guidelines in practice, implementation team establishment, internal and external communication, public relations, healthcare screening measures, control and monitoring procedures of policy implementation and policy implementation feedback.

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How to Cite
Rumakhom, V. ., & Phatcharrachiraphan, T. . (2022). EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION IN NEW NORMAL AFTER COVID-19 CRISIS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(6), 16–30. retrieved from
Academic Article


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