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Generally developing countries governed by democracy are not yet fully developed. Government is often influenced by ideas. The needs of the social and political elite, as the majority of the population is disinterested in civic activities, allows leaders to disclose or conceal information as they want. For this reason it is not difficult to rule the people. The leadership model reflects the realities of today's society in many respects, for example the country is ruled by ethnic minorities. because most people lack knowledge cause political indifference, etc. Rational Model The main characteristic of rational model is Rational policies are those aimed at the best interests of society. The term “best interests of society” means that governments should decide on policies that provide the benefit to society rather than outright costs. And it is better to avoid choosing policies that cost more than the benefits that society will receive. The key steps consist of the main factors: inputs, decision-making processes and outputs. The inputs contain all the resources necessary for a perfectly rational decision-making process. including all the information necessary for a rational decision-making process. part about the decision-making process It consists of 6 steps of decision making. A key aspect of the marginal model is that policy is viewed as an ongoing government activity with little modification. This example is proposed by Lindblom, who said that in the real world decision makers do not conduct a thorough analysis.
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