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The Objectives of this research article were to 1) to study the development for village committee participation 2) to study the suggestions about the guidelines for the Development for Village Committee Participation, This research is Mixed Method research. The sample used in this research is comprised of population registration, Thung Song District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province in 2021 sample size was 364 persons.The researcher randomized the simple random sampling. And 15 informants with purposive sampling. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire and in-depth interview. The statistics used in this research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The results of the research: 1) The development for village committee participation found that by overview, there are in the high level, when considering in each aspect found that The aspect of participation in planning and procedure was the highest mean, followed by the aspect of participation in finding problem and the cause of the problem the aspect of following and assessment of project, and The aspect of steak holder and project performance was the lowest mean respectively. 2) The suggestions about the guidelines for the development of village committee participation in finding problem and the cause of the problem with focus group of civil for finding problem and making the serial in emergency case as the accompany, the aspect of planning and procedure; the village committee design the problem and participate in focus group discussion for making development plan in yearly plan according to people’s require and to make plan with local for putting in the next development plan. The committee must follower the progress of project as recently, and get the feedback to inform people in the village as continuously and for four aspects must focus on participation, public mind and owner feeling performance to get better development.
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