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This research article aimed to study the model of Thai traditional mobile clinic back packing for the elderly bedridden healthcare in the community and to evaluate the effectiveness of using Thai traditional mobile clinic back packing through the documentary analysis, questionnaire, in-depth interview and focus group discussion from Thai traditional medicine team who participated in Thai traditional mobile clinic activity for elderly bedridden healthcare at Ban Du Subdistrict, Mueang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai Province. The team consists of Thai traditional medicine lecturers, Thai traditional medicine practitioners and Thai traditional medicine students, totaling 28 people. The results showed that there were 2 models of Thai traditional mobile clinic bag packing for elderly bedridden healthcare. The first model, Thai traditional doctor’s bag was backpacking bag which contained 4 parts as follows: (1) the doctor’s personal belongings, (2) the medical record equipment, (3) the examination and diagnosis equipment, and (4) the medications and first aid supplies. The second model, Thai traditional mobile clinic suitcase was luggage with wheels which contained 4 parts as follows: (1) the medical record equipment, (2) the examination and diagnosis equipment, (3) the medications and first aid supplies, and (4) the hygiene care equipment. The evaluation of the effectiveness and satisfactions of using the back packing model from Thai traditional medicine team revealed that there were 3 criteria: 1) the bag model with modern design and convenient to move and carry which satisfaction rating remained at a very good level with 89.29%, 2) the practical use in the community which satisfaction rating remained at a very good level with 82.14%, and 3) the equipment categorization with more convenient to use which satisfaction rating remained at a very good level with 67.86%.
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