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The objectives of this research article were to 1) study holistic health care to the monks in the area of Nabon district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, and 2) study the suggestions about the guidelines for holistic health care the monks. A qualitatively integrated research model was used, an unstructured interview with 15 key informants/person quantitatively. The target population was 64 monks during the 2021 Buddhist Lent. Data were analyzed. With a statistical package program used to analyze data for percentage, mean, standard deviation, The results of the research were found that 1) the monks' holistic health care, including all 4 aspects, was at a high level (μ = 4.36) when considering each aspect. In order of averages from highest to lowest, it was found that the spiritual aspect The highest mean (μ = 4.53), followed by social (μ = 4.47), psychological (μ = 4.35), and the lowest level of care (μ = 4.08), respectively. 2) With the holistic health care guidelines of monks, it was found that 2.1) there should be training to offer knowledge about health care guidelines to know to take care of oneself. Powered by local hospitals or sub-district health promotion hospitals 2.2) The Social Security Office should create health insurance for monks. By creating a network of monks' health care networks to be able to take care of oneself in case of illness 2.3) The Buddhist office should have guideline for monk’s exercise without wrong doing for disciplines. 2.4) The monks should be instructed to teach the new ordained to develop and upgrade their mental and emotional health. 2.5) There should be a holistic approach to promoting the health of the monks. included in the public health program to develop the monk's health system to be a clear, concrete
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