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the article of this research have objectives ware to 1. Develop an online learning management model with a reverse classroom approach to improve academic achievement 2. To find the effectiveness of the development of an online learning management model with a reverse classroom model to improve learning achievements 3. Comparison of the learning achievement of the students studying with the online reverse classroom learning management model between before and after the class. 4. To study the satisfaction of the learners towards the online learning management model of the reverse classroom to develop the academic achievement. The sample group was the first year students of the Bachelor of Education Program in Digital Technology for Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University, semester 1, academic year 2021, consisted of 25 students by selective selection. The research tools were 1) an online learning management model, 2) an achievement test and 3) a satisfaction questionnaire. The results of the research were as follows: 1) The quality of the development of an online learning management model with a reverse classroom model in order to improve the academic achievement has the quality level at very good level ( = 4.70, S.D. = 0.44) 2) The efficiency of teaching and learning in the reverse classroom combined with lessons on social networks was 83.60/84.16. 4) The students' satisfaction with the online learning management model in the reverse classroom for improving the learning achievement of BA students was at the level of the most satisfaction.
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