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Rueangyot Waedlom
Amporn Kulapen
Bunchakkrawan Rotbamroe
Nongluk Rueanthong
Samrit Kangpheng


A simplified model of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy implementation process it starts with people who are virtuous in using their knowledge to make informed decisions. And lead to behavior to achieve the goals according to the vision such as a caring society the process is the first step, virtues, and attributes, such as generosity coupled with knowledge; in the second step, the creation of a body of knowledge, for example, some people are disadvantaged in society and create a well-informed attitude. Self-sufficiency awareness, for example, should help the disadvantaged and then motivate them to act. Step 4: Actions and behaviors, such as supporting and helping them, lead to results. Step 5: Productivity and outcomes, such as creating social reconciliation, etc., which the model follows the philosophy of sufficiency or the principle of sufficiency, using a simple method to remember that “model 2-3-4-5” which comes from 2 conditions: “morality governs knowledge” 3 principles ready. Together, which is “moderation, rational, immune”, 4 dimensions are balanced, which are “economic, social, environmental, cultural” and 5 steps of the operational process, which are guidelines for sustainable development. And sufficiency or sufficiency attributes are characteristics that are expressed or practiced on a regular and consistent basis that encompass both productivity and outcomes. It is a balance in 4 dimensions: 1) economic dimension, 2) social dimension, 3) environmental dimension, and 4) cultural dimension. Is it the sustainability of the quality of life well-being consists of three dimensions: 1) self-reliant, 2) immune, and 3) resilient.

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How to Cite
Waedlom, R. ., Kulapen, A. ., Rotbamroe, B. ., Rueanthong, N. ., & Kangpheng , S. . (2022). SUFFICIENCY ECONOMY PHILOSOPHY MODEL: RECODING TO PRACTICE GUIDELINE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(4), 27–40. retrieved from
Academic Article


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