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The objective of this research article were: 1) to study the conceptual framework for the development; 2) to study the present and desirable statement for the development; 3) to analyze the need in the improvement of a performance management model; 4) to develop a performance management model; and 5) to validate the proprietary and feasibility of a performance management model.The research was a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative research. Population, totaling 462 people, included director and subdivision director of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Sample size was determined by the Table of Krejcie & Morgan and was obtained by simple random sampling method, totaling 396 people. The instrument used for data collection was a five-level rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, PNIModified. Research procedure consisted of four steps as follows: 1) studying the related concept and research to define a conceptual framework; 2) studying present and desirable statement for the development of a performance management model; 3) developing a performance management model; 5) validating the proprietary and feasibility of a performance management model. The findings were revealed as follows: 1) the conceptual framework for development consisted of six aspects : planning, implementation, improvement, monitoring, appraisal and reward; 2) the present and desirable statement for development of a performance management model was rated at the high level; 3)the result of PNI in development of a performance management model were ranked as follows: improvement, implementation, planning, monitoring, appraisal, and reward; 4)the developed performance management model of the directors and subdivision director composed two parts: the details of model, and the guidelines for implementation of the model; and 5) the model’s validation from expert indicated that the proprietary and feasibility of the implementation was at the high level.
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